After you have successfully attracted angels or venture capital with your million dollar product idea and you have a signed term sheet, there is still one more hurdle to overcome before investors write the check. 你的创业金点子终于成功地找到了天使投资人或风险投资,对方已经签署了投资意向书后。
On receiving this signed order, the online-trade server needs to validate the uniqueness of the nonce and check whether its identity is specified as the intended recipient. 一接收到经签名的订单,在线交易服务器就需要确认现时标志的唯一性,并检查其身份是否被指定为目标接收方。
Deployed policies cannot change and are digitally signed to allow any service to check its authenticity and completeness. 不能改变已部署的策略,而且都使用了数字签以允许任何服务检查它的可靠性和完整性。
Mr. Kuhn recently signed Foursquare, the location-based social-media network with 20 million users who check in to venues. 库恩最近与位置社交网络媒体Foursquare签了约。Foursquare总部位于纽约,拥有2000万用户,他们可以在各种不同的地点签到。
Select the send these certificates with signed messages check box unless you will be sending and receiving signed messages only within your organization. 请选中“将证书与签名邮件一同发送”复选框,除非只在组织内部发送和接收签名邮件。
Article81a cheque is a negotiable instrument that is signed and issued by the drawer, who authorizes the bank or other financial institution handling check deposit to pay unconditionally a sum certain in money to the payer or the bearer at sight. 第八十一条支票是出票人签发的,委托办理支票存款业务的银行或者其他金融机构在见票时无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。
He signed the room-service check under lanny's name. 他在账单上签了兰尼的名字。
After I signed in QQ to check my messages from my friends this evening, I received a special article and a message as follow. 今晚上登录QQ查看消息的时候,收到了如下的一篇特别的文章和一条消息。
Smith has signed a one million dollar check in words. 史密斯先生用大写签发了一张一百万美元的支票–Mr。